pic.up prints open call
pic.up prints is one of the pop-up events run by pic.london. It is a rare opportunity for emerging artists from any background to show and sell their works in person to a large and diverse audience, and also to share experiences and make friends within a like-minded community.
pic.up prints will take place on 26th - 27th October 2018, at the Tea Building in Shoreditch, East London.
We are accepting applications from emerging artists to take part. The deadline for submissions has been extended to the end of 12th September 2018.
Download the application form here
Pay the submission fee here
More details on the event here
Who can take part?
We are inviting early stage artists whose practice concerns the photographic image to submit their outstanding work. We welcome applicants of any age and nationality.
What can you sell?
We welcome photographic prints made using any method. If selected, you are welcome to bring self-published artist/photo books and other work in any form as long as it’s concerned with the photographic (in addition to your prints).
Selection process
Selection criteria:
In line with the pic.london ethos, we are looking for work that is strong both aesthetically and conceptually, and that challenges the qualities of the photographic medium in some way.
The work will be ‘peer reviewed’ by the pic.london team. If shortlisted you will be asked to post us an example print of each image you have entered.
Let’s talk about money
Guidance for pricing prints:
We would like to create a platform for the wider public to buy art. In order to be in line with this ethos, please make sure the majority (at least two-thirds) of your works are priced within the range £50 - £250.
One print donation to pic.london:
We are not going to charge the artists any commission - you take all you sell. In addition we are not charging a fee to have a stall. However, pic.london needs to be sustainable in order to continue supporting emerging artists. Instead of charging commission, we are asking selected artists to donate a print to us for a raffle, as an alternative way of fundraising.
The raffle will also include works from established artists who are donating works as well. Each ticket is guaranteed to win a prize. All the money raised will go towards putting on the next edition of the festival.
£6 open call submission fee only:
There is nominal fee of £6 to help cover the cost of running the event (payable via Eventbrite here).
Application process
What to submit:
Artists are asked to submit 3 - 10 images in total from up to two different projects together with a completed application form, which you can find here. Please rename the form file to your name after saving as a pdf.
The images should be in jpeg format, 2000px on the longer side and at 72 dpi. The name of the images should be: <your name>_ <image number from the application form>.
All the files would need to be sent via www.WeTransfer.com to the following email address: market@piclondon.org. We accept only one transfer per person.
26-27 OCTOBER | pic.up prints |
Do the prints need to be framed for the market?
A: Prints are not required to be framed, however, it’s ok if they are. If not you should have them in protective sleeves as the care of your prints are your own responsibility.
How do people pay me in the market?
A: They can pay with cash, card, paypal or any other method you are able to accept. We might be able to supply portable credit card machines; this can be discussed with the final selected artists.
Are you taking any commission?
A: No, you keep what you get for every item you sell. However, we do require you to kindly donate a print to the pic.up prints raffle.
How will the donated print be selected?
A: If you are shortlisted you will need to send your prints for review. If you are selected to be in the market we will choose one of those prints for the raffle.
Why do I have to send the physical prints for review since you’ve already seen the images in digital form?
A: The physical form, touch and finish of your prints is as important as the image itself and it is one of the key factors that determines whether a piece will sell. We like to make sure participating artists will be bringing physical prints of a high quality.
I am not sure about editioning and/or pricing my work. What do I do?
A: You should enter tentative values on the application form. We are happy to discuss this and provide advice if you are selected for the market. There is no limit on the number of editions for each image.
If some of my prints are more expensive than £250 or cheaper than £50, is that ok?
A: It is ok to bring works that are outside this range, as long as it doesn’t exceed a third of your items.
I’m not based in London. Can I apply?
A: Of course, we welcome applications from anywhere. Although please note we are unable to cover travel costs for participators.
I never went to art school. Can I apply?
A: Of course, we welcome artists from any background.
Can I drop off my prints in person?
A: Unfortunately, we are unable to receive prints in person.
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