pic.london is a festival of images run by artists. It's a platform to support emerging artists whilst being fun, accessible and inspiring to the wider public. UA-108003947-1

Printing and Framing Workshop

Post-production and printing specialist Graeme Bulcraig, from Touch Digital, and mounting and framing expert Will Mawby, from A.Bliss jointly ran a workshop to impart all the technical knowledge you need to take your project from screen to wall.

A peek into their knowledge:
  • The typical le types, sizes and formats (e.g. lm scans, digital raw, iPhone, PhaseOne, DSLR etc) and their uses and ways of handling them.
  • The essentials of colour management, proles and monitor calibration.
  • How to choose printing technology — inkjet or digital C type (e.g. Lambda, Poli, L Type Lumejet).
  • Small but extremely crucial tips when handling prints.
  • What do you need to consider when it comes to mounting? Cold or hot? Which material should you mount on to?
  • How will mounting and/or framing change the look of the image?
  • What are the different types of framing structures?